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28 things in 28 years

September 16th has always been, in my book, one of the best days of the year.

Fall is upon us, the leaves are changing, Bath & Body Works has their line of fall candles available, the weather is comfortably crisp, football season has begun, and… it’s my birthday!

As I was reminded by my husband, “every list that could ever be made was probably already made by Buzzfeed or whatever”

But this is my unique perspective on things I have learned in my (now) 28 years of life. Or, advice I would like to give to every teenage/early 20’s girl I know.

Back when life was simple and revolved around Barbie

28 Things I’ve Learned in 28 Years:

  1. Music is the ultimate time travel device.
  2. Nap time is under appreciated, until you can’t take one whenever you want.
  3. Childhood is the most care-free you’ll ever be in your entire life.
  4. Read more books. Always.
  5. You do not have to go to prom. You aren’t missing out on anything.
  6. Coffee isn’t disgusting, it’s delicious and necessary.
  7. Adults get cooler the older you get.
  8. What you “want to be when you grow up” just might be what you are meant to be.
  9. Appreciate your metabolism for what it is. That includes now, because it’s only going to get slower.
  10. What you think is the “worst thing ever” is an anthill compared to the mountains you’ll encounter as an adult. Stop being a drama queen.
  11. Saying “I love you” is more powerful than you’ll ever know.
  12. You are definitely too young to do anything that someone says you’re “too young” for.
  13. Being responsible for all of your bills for the first time can be the most liberating and the most stressful time in your life.
  14. How you treat people in high school speaks volumes for your character.
  15. Time spent “hanging out” with friends means more the older you get.
  16. Appreciate the fact that you are bored. There will come a time in your life when you will wish to have that luxury.
  17. Teenage boys are the worst.
  18. If you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life (Ok, I borrowed this one. But it’s so true.)
  19. Being involved in sports as a kid makes staying active as an adult SO much easier.
  20. Your mom and dad are probably right.
  21. High school can be terrible, especially if you’re a girl. At the time it seems like it will last forever, but someday you’ll look back on it and not believe how fast it went.
  22. Be respectful and listen to adults. No matter what you think, they probably know more than you.
  23. It’s not the quantity of friends you have that matters, it’s the quality. True story.
  24. Be yourself. What everyone else thinks of you is none of your business (thanks, Ru Paul, for those words of wisdom).
  25. You will never fully appreciate your mom until you are one yourself. Once that happens, you’ll feel terrible for any difficulties you might have caused her.
  26. Develop an appreciation and craving for healthy food now. You will be thankful.
  27. Exposing your wild side to the world via the internet isn’t “cool”. It makes you look desperate for attention. Miley Cyrus, anyone?
  28. And again, Ru Paul has some amazing words of wisdom, if you can’t love yourself how in the heck are you going to love anybody else? In other words, how can you expect someone to love you if you don’t love yourself?

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  1. Great advice! It takes some people a lot longer than 28 years to learn all this. Happy Birthday!

  2. I didn't go to prom….or high school, for that matter, and from everything I've heard, I definitely didn't miss out on anything good! And teenage boys are definitely the worst. I think it takes them till nearly 30 before they are really any good. 😛 (I may be a bit biased, my husband was 26 when we got married). Happy birthday!!!

  3. Love this! I just wrote a letter to my freshman self on my blog and it's so crazy to think how fast life goes and how much you grow as a person!

  4. Happy Birthday! I turned 27 this year, so I can relate to you on a lot of what you listed. This is a really cute idea. Maybe I'll do one before I turn 30.

  5. It must have been traumatic because I remember the first time I tried my friend's mom's coffee. I thought, “There's no way I will EVER like this stuff.” Turns out, 20 years later and I was proved totally wrong.

  6. I didn't go to prom. I wanted to, but hubby (bf at the time) wouldn't get tickets. He was a rebel xD I don't regret it though. I think I stayed home and played Final Fantasy 9 all night. Much more fun!

  7. These are all so great!
    I didn't go to prom or any school dance. I was planning on going to Senior prom, but I moved and was then homeschooled and couldn't.

    by the way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

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