7 easy steps to reviewing your own blog.
Have you ever thought to yourself, I wonder what other people think of my blog? I wonder what I need to change (or IF I need to change anything) to make it more reader-friendly? I’m about to share with you my steps to a quick and easy DIY blog review.
- Anything stand out to you?
- Where does your eye go first?
- What can you see “above the fold”?
2. Content: What type of posts do you have on your blog?
- How much of it is original content vs. sponsored content?
- How much of it is giveaways or link ups?
- Do you have a distinct, personable “voice” or do you sound like a robot?
- Are there spelling errors, grammatical errors, or overuse of exclamation points?
- How is your text aligned? Is it easy to read?
3. Navigation: How easy is it to navigate your blog? Do you have…
- a search bar
- archives
- popular posts section
- related posts widget underneath each post
- common post categories
4. Images: Are your images…
- the same width as your content section
- crisp and clear
- fitting with the feel of your blog
5. Contact-ability: How do you allow readers to contact you? Where can they find this information? How easy is it to find?
6. Subscribe-ability: What methods do you provide for people to follow your blog/you?
- RSS Feed
- Bloglovin’, GFC, Feedly, or other resource
- Google+, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, etc.
7. Overall Look: What is the overall feel/theme of your blog? Whimsical, chic, colorful, trendy, etc? Is it easy on the eyes?
* This post is a part of my 31 Days of Bare Your Soul blogging series. I was inspired by the prompt: Review your own blog…
also linking up with the All About Blogging Link Up
Thanks for the tips!
I pinned them. :]
This is helpful. What related posts widget do you recommend?
Oooh thanks BreAnna! I just did a redesign but will have to change some things from your tips 🙂
This is a great post filled with lots of food for thought. It is always nice to get other perspectives on what to look for when reviewing my blog. Thanks for sharing! Pinning on Pinterest for all my blog friends!