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How to Make a Disco Ball Out of a Globe

Learn how to make a disco ball out of an old globe with this fun and easy DIY project! Whether you call it a disco ball or a mirror ball, this step-by-step guide will show you how to make your own sparkly masterpiece.

Do you ever have the urge to decorate your home a certain way but then talk yourself out of it because ‘you’re an adult’ and ‘adults don’t put disco balls in their living rooms’? Just me? 😉

A few years ago, I saw a disco ball bar cart on TikTok, and I was hooked. I just had to find a globe and transform it into a disco ball globe.

It took some time, but eventually, I found the perfect globe at my local thrift store.

I knew it wouldn’t take much to transform it.

I had no intentions of turning it into a bar like the inspiration, I just wanted something to bring a little pizazz to my living room and sit next to my record player!

Ready to bring some sparkle to your own living space?

Today, I’m going to show you how to make a disco ball from an old globe. It’s a fun and quirky project that’s sure to make your home disco party-ready.

So, let’s dive into this homemade disco ball tutorial!

DIY Disco Ball Globe Tutorial Snapshot

EASE: Great for the patient beginner
PROS: It’s glorious, sparkly, and fun!
CONS: It’s pretty time consuming
WOULD I MAKE THIS AGAIN? Absolutely, and I am!

DIY Disco Ball Globe Supplies You’ll Need

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Step One: Spray Paint Your Globe and Stand (if desired)

Remove the globe from the stand and give the entire thing a couple coats of silver spray paint. This helps camoflauge the gaps between the mirror tiles.

I even painted the metal supports that went around the globe silver. You could as well, or cover it with painters tape while you spray the globe if you want to keep the original finish.

Spray painting a globe and its stand for a DIY disco ball project.

I wasn’t a huge fan of the wood tone that the stand was, so I also gave that a few coats of white semi gloss spray paint. You could leave yours as-is, or paint it any color you choose!

Spray painting a globe stand for a DIY disco ball project.

Step Two: Apply the Mirror Mosaic Tiles

Starting at the center top of one end, place the mirror tiles on the globe, working row by row. My mirror tiles were peel and stick, so no adhesive was needed.

Don’t get bored and start again from the other end. Trust me, it can mess up your symmetry. Stick to starting on one end and work your way to the other.

Applying mirror mosaic tiles to a globe for a DIY disco ball.

The tiles closest to the very top and bottom will have a bigger triangle shaped gap between each one vs the ones in the middle of the globe which is completely normal. That gap will get smaller the closer to the middle that your rows are.

Applying mirror mosaic tiles to a globe for a DIY disco ball.

There may be a bit of trial and error as you work your way around, I found that some rows were perfect and others I ended up with too big a space between the 1st and the last tile.

Thanks to being peel and stick, I just popped a few off to space them out more so there was no gap.

Step Three: Peel Off the Protective Layer and Reassemble

Once you’ve covered the globe with tiles, peel off the protective layer from each tile. Tedious, yes. Satisfying, also yes.

Reassemble the globe on its stand, and voila! Your very own disco ball globe.

Completed DIY disco ball globe on its stand.


  • Make sure you start at one end of your globe and work your way down, don’t make my mistake!
  • Ensure you have enough tiles before starting. I initially ordered 2 bags and ended up needing 4 so I had to wait for them to ship to finish my project :/
  • Take your time– it’s worth it!

Creating a DIY disco ball out of an old globe is a fantastic way to add some sparkle to your home.

Not only is it a fun project, but it also makes for a unique decor piece that’s sure to impress your guests. Or your nieces and nephews that can’t help spinning it the second they come over 😉

So grab your supplies and follow this disco ball tutorial, your daily disco party is awaiting!

FAQs About Making a Disco Ball

Q: How long does it take to make a DIY disco ball?

A: The project is time-consuming and can take several hours, depending on the size of your globe and your patience.

Q: Can I use any type of adhesive for the mirror tiles?

A: Peel and stick mirror tiles work best for this project, as they are easy to adjust and reposition if needed.

Q: Do I need to paint the globe and stand?

A: Painting the globe and stand with silver and white spray paint helps camouflage gaps and create a cohesive look, but you can customize it to your preference.

Q: Where can I find an old globe for this project?

A: Check local thrift stores, garage sales, or online marketplaces for an affordable globe.

DIY Disco Ball Globe Tutorial: How to Make a Disco Ball

DIY Disco Ball Globe Tutorial: How to Make a Disco Ball

Learn how to make a disco ball from an old globe with this simple, step-by-step tutorial. Add sparkle to your home with a unique DIY disco ball globe.


  • Old globe
  • Silver spray paint
  • Peel-and-stick mirror mosaic tiles
  • White semi-gloss spray paint (optional)


1. Remove the globe from its stand.

  • Spray paint the globe and stand with silver spray paint for a cohesive look.
  • Optionally, spray paint the stand with white semi-gloss paint if you prefer a different finish.
  • 2. Apply Mirror Tiles:

  • Start at the top center of one end of the globe.
  • Place the peel-and-stick mirror tiles row by row, working your way down to the other end.
  • Maintain symmetry by not switching starting points.
  • Adjust tiles as needed to minimize gaps, especially near the top and bottom.
  • 3. Finish and Reassemble:

  • Once the globe is covered with tiles, peel off the protective layer from each tile.
  • Reassemble the globe on its stand.
  • Notes

  • Ensure you have enough tiles before starting to avoid delays.
  • Take your time for the best results.
  • Starting at one end and working your way down ensures better symmetry.
  • Don’t forget to pin this for later!

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